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Displaying 1 - 20 of 286
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
PA-JOU-2024-001 4D Track Reconstruction on Free-Streaming Data at PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Jenny Taylor, Michael Papenbrock, Tobias Stockmanns, Ralf Kliemt, Tord Johansson, Adeel Akram, Karin Schönning 11Jan2024 PDF icon PA-JOU-2024-001.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
TA-CON-2022-030 A 64 channels ASIC for the readout of the silicon strip detectors of the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector Talk (TA) Giovanni Mazza 20Sep2022 Plain text icon TA-CON-2022-030.txt, PDF icon TA-CON-2022-030.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
TH-MAS-2017-002 A Measurement Level Module for a Pellet Tracking System Thesis (TH) Jenny Regina 13Feb2017 PDF icon TH-MAS-2017-002.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-011 A Time-Based Front-End ASIC for the Silicon Micro Strip Sensors of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector Thesis (TH) Valentino di Pietro 29Oct2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-011.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-005 An investigation of the proton structure in the space-like domain and feasibility studies of the proton electromagnetic form factor measurement in the time-like region Thesis (TH) Dmitry Khaneft 17Jul2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-005.pdf
TA-CON-2017-031 Assembly of the First Barrel Slice Segment for the PANDA EMC Talk (TA) Hans-Georg Zaunick 27Apr2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-031.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
PA-JOU-2014-011 ADC-based real-time signal processing for the PANDA Straw Tube Tracker Paper (PA) Lioubov Jokhovets et al. 28Oct2014 PDF icon PA-JOU-2014-011.pdf
AN-QCD-2014-001 Amplitudes in Helicity Formalism and Polarization Effects,v2 Release Note (RN) Helmut Koch 09May2014 PDF icon AN-QCD-2014-001.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-009 Antiproton Physics with PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 27Oct2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-009.pdf
TA-CON-2014-002 Antiprotons physics with PANDA at FAIR Talk (TA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 22May2014
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2016-001 Alternative Geometrical Designs for Quartz-Based Cherenkov Detectors for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector Thesis (TH) Marko Zühlsdorf 29Apr2016 PDF icon TH-PHD-2016-001.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
PA-PRO-2015-010 An Additional Lambda Disk Detector for the PANDA Experiment Paper (PA) Ajay Kumar 27Aug2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-010.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-008 Antihyperon-Hyperon production in antiproton-proton annihilations with PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Michael Papenbrock 17Aug2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-008.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-007 Barrel time-of-flight detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR Paper (PA) L. Gruber, S. E. Brunner, J. Marton, H.Orth, K. Suzuki on behalf of the PANDA TOF Group 24Jun2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-007.pdf
TH-MAS-2015-011 Beschleunigung eines Spurfindealgorithmus für den Straw Tube Tracker des PANDA-Detektors durch Parallelisierung mit CUDA C Thesis (TH) Jette Schumann 30Sep2015 PDF icon TH-MAS-2015-011.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-017 Breakthrough in the Lifetime of Microchannel Plate Photomultipliers Paper (PA) F. Uhlig et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) 01Jul2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-017.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2018-003 Analyse der Kanäle χc₂ → π⁺π⁻/K⁺K⁻ in radiativen ψ(2S)-Zerfällen bei BESIII und Entwicklung eines Monitorierungssystems für das elektromagnetische Kalorimeter des PANDA-Experimentes Thesis (TH) Patrick Musiol 08May2018 PDF icon TH-PHD-2018-003.pdf
TH-PHD-2018-004 Analyse des Zerfalls J/ψ → ωπ⁺π⁻ bei BESIII und Entwicklungen für das Kühlsystem und die thermische Isolierung des PANDA-EMC Thesis (TH) Stephan Leiber 16May2018 PDF icon TH-PHD-2018-004.pdf
Document ID Titlesort descending Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2019-002 Analysis of J/ψ→φηη at BESIII and Calibration of the Temperature Monitoring System for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Thesis (TH) Miriam Kümmel 13May2019 PDF icon TH-PHD-2019-002.pdf
TA-WKS-2019-046 Analysis Tools in PandaRoot Talk (TA) Klaus Götzen 04May2019 PDF icon TA-WKS-2019-046.pdf
