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Displaying 221 - 240 of 286
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2011-002 Software development for the PANDA barrel DIRC Paper (PA) D. Dutta for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 21May2011
PA-PRO-2011-003 The barrel DIRC detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR Paper (PA) Jochen Schwiening for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 21May2011
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2016-003 Reconstructing Hyperons with the PANDA Detector at FAIR Paper (PA) W Ikegami Andersson 01Apr2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2016-004 Performance of Prototypes for the Barrel Part of the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Paper (PA) Christoph Rosenbaum 01Apr2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-004.pdf
PA-PRO-2016-010 PANDA Experiment at FAIR - Subatomic Physics with Antiprotons Paper (PA) Johan Messchendorp on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration 30Jul2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-010.pdf
PA-PRO-2016-012 Nucleon structure observables with PANDA Paper (PA) M. Carmen Mora Espí 05Oct2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-012.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2014-003 Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip Sensors and their First Operation in a Proton Beam Paper (PA) Dariusch Deermann, Tobias Stockmanns, James Ritman 27Jun2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-010 The ToPiX v4 prototype for the triggerless readout of the PANDA Silicon Pixel Detector Paper (PA) G.Mazza, D.Calvo,P.De Remigis, M.Mignone, J.Olave, A.Rivetti, R.Wheadon 28Oct2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-010.pdf
PA-JOU-2014-011 ADC-based real-time signal processing for the PANDA Straw Tube Tracker Paper (PA) Lioubov Jokhovets et al. 28Oct2014 PDF icon PA-JOU-2014-011.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2017-005 Design of the forward straw tube tracker for the PANDA experiment Paper (PA) Jerzy Smyrski 03Mar2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-005.pdf
PA-JOU-2017-008 Pressure stabilized straw tube modules for the PANDA Forward Tracker Paper (PA) J. Smyrski et al. 19Oct2017 PDF icon PA-JOU-2017-008.pdf
PA-JOU-2017-009 Track Propagation Methods for the Correlation of Charged Tracks with Clusters in the Calorimeter of the PANDA Experiment Paper (PA) T. Nasawad, T. Simantathammakul, C. Herold, T. Stockmanns, J. Ritman, C. Kobdaj 09Nov2017 PDF icon PA-JOU-2017-009.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-017 Particle Identification Algorithms for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Paper (PA) Mustafa Schmidt for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 22Dec2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-017.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2019-003 The PANDA Strip ASIC: PASTA Paper (PA) Alessandra Lai 13Feb2019 PDF icon PA-PRO-2019-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2019-004 Simulation study of the pbarp → Sigmabar Lambda reaction with PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) G. Perez-Andrade, Karin Schönning, WI Andersson, Jenny Regina, Michael Papenbrock 11Mar2019 PDF icon PA-PRO-2019-004.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2018-005 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the PANDA Target Spectrometer Paper (PA) Markus Moritz, K.-Th. Brinkmann, V. Dormenev, R.-W. Novotny, A. Ryazantsev, H.-G. Zaunick 27Jul2018 PDF icon PA-PRO-2018-005.pdf
PA-PRO-2018-009 The Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Mustafa Schmidt for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 15Oct2018 PDF icon PA-PRO-2018-009.pdf
PA-PRO-2018-010 Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Mustafa Schmidt for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 15Aug2018 PDF icon PA-PRO-2018-010.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2015-008 Antihyperon-Hyperon production in antiproton-proton annihilations with PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Michael Papenbrock 17Aug2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-008.pdf
Document ID Title Publication typesort descending Author Date File
PA-PRO-2013-002 Offline Software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector Paper (PA) Anastasia Karavdina for the PANDA Luminosity Detector group 12Dec2013 PDF icon PA-PRO-2013-002.pdf
