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Displaying 181 - 200 of 286
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2016-016 Fast SiPM Readout of the PANDA TOF Detector Paper (PA) M. Böhm et al. (PANDA TOF Group) 19May2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-016.pdf
PA-PRO-2016-012 Nucleon structure observables with PANDA Paper (PA) M. Carmen Mora Espí 05Oct2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-012.pdf
PA-PRO-2016-013 Online Cluster-Finding Algorithms for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Paper (PA) M. Tiemens 10Dec2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-013.pdf
TH-PHD-2016-002 Partial Wave Analysis of the Decay J/ψ → γωω at BESIII and Developments for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the PANDA Detector Thesis (TH) Malte Albrecht 20May2016 PDF icon TH-PHD-2016-002.pdf
TH-DIP-2016-006 Entwicklung eines Systems zur Überprüfung der Integrität und Sicherheit des Datenaufnahmesystems von PANDA Thesis (TH) Marc André Erdmann 04Feb2016 PDF icon TH-DIP-2016-006.pdf
TA-CON-2016-006 Disentangling PANDA's timebased data stream Talk (TA) Marcel Tiemens 16Feb2016 PDF icon TA-CON-2016-006.pdf, File TA-CON-2016-006.pptx
TA-CON-2016-033 The Panda Experiment Talk (TA) Maria Carmen Mora Espi 29Apr2016 PDF icon TA-CON-2016-033.pdf, PDF icon TA-CON-2016-033.pdf
TH-PHD-2016-001 Alternative Geometrical Designs for Quartz-Based Cherenkov Detectors for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector Thesis (TH) Marko Zühlsdorf 29Apr2016 PDF icon TH-PHD-2016-001.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2017-016 The P̄ANDA Barrel-TOF Detector Paper (PA) M. Böhm et al. (PANDA TOF Group) 21Dec2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-016.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-015 Recent results with lifetime enhanced microchannel-plate photomultipliers Paper (PA) M. Pfaffinger et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) 04Nov2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-015.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-009 Online cluster-finding algorithms for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter Thesis (TH) Marcel Tiemens 20Nov2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-009.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
RE-TDR-2018-006 Technical Design Report for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Report (RE) M. Düren et al. 21Jun2018 PDF icon RE-TDR-2018-006.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
RE-TDR-2020-006 Technical Design Report for the: PANDA Data Acquisition and Event Filtering Report (RE) M. Kavatsyuk 10Aug2020 PDF icon RE-TDR-2020-006.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2013-001 R&D for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Paper (PA) M. Patsyuk for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 11Jul2013 PDF icon PA-PRO-2013-001.pdf
TH-PHD-2013-009 Measurements and improvements of the response of the PANDA-EMC prototype PROTO60 to high energetic particles and photons in accelerator experiments Thesis (TH) Markus Moritz 24Sep2013 PDF icon TH-PHD-2013-009.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2011-001 Simulation and reconstruction of the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector Paper (PA) M. Patsyuk for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 21Nov2011 PDF icon PA-PRO-2011-001.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
TH-PHD-2019-006 Feasibility studies für the high precision X-ray spectroscopy of heavy $\Xi^-$ hyperatoms at $\overline{\text{P}}$ANDA using the PANda GErmanium Array PANGEA Thesis (TH) Marcell Steinen 12Dec2019 PDF icon TH-PHD-2019-006.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
TH-PHD-2012-002 Feasibility studies for accessing nucleon structure observables with the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility Thesis (TH) Maria Carmen Mora Espi 20Nov2012 PDF icon TH-PHD-2012-002.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-JOU-2014-002 Experimental access to the Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the PANDA experiment at FAIR Paper (PA) Maria Carmen Mora Espi, Manuel Zambrana, Frank Maas and Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky 01Sep2014 PDF icon PA-JOU-2014-002.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
TH-PHD-2015-005 Simulation, Reconstruction, and Design Optimization for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Thesis (TH) Maria Patsyuk 05Aug2015 PDF icon TH-PHD-2015-005.pdf
