Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2013-001 | R&D for the PANDA Barrel DIRC | Paper | M. Patsyuk for the PANDA Cherenkov Group | PA-PRO-2013-001.pdf (1.18 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2018-008 | Lifetime of MCP-PMTs and other Performance Features | Paper | A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) | PA-PRO-2018-008.pdf (1.57 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2018-002 | The PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC | Paper | K. Föhl, A. Ali, A. Belias, R. Dzhygadlo, A. Gerhardt, K. Götzen, G. Kalicy, M. Krebs, D. Lehmann, F. Nerling, M. Patsyuk, K. Peters, G. Schepers, L. Schmitt, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, M. Traxler, M. Böhm, W. Eyrich, A. Lehmann, M. Pfaffinger, F. Uhlig, M. Düren, E. Etzelmüller, A. Hayrapetyan, K. Kreutzfeld, O. Merle, J. Rieke, M. Schmidt, T. Wasem, P. Achenbach, M. Cardinali, M. Hoek, W. Lauth, S. Schlimme, C. Sfienti and M. Thiel | PA-PRO-2018-002.pdf (3.53 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2018-005 | The Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the PANDA Target Spectrometer | Paper | Markus Moritz, K.-Th. Brinkmann, V. Dormenev, R.-W. Novotny, A. Ryazantsev, H.-G. Zaunick | PA-PRO-2018-005.pdf (15.09 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2018-009 | The Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR | Paper | Mustafa Schmidt for the PANDA Cherenkov Group | PA-PRO-2018-009.pdf (1.93 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2014-007 | Proton electromagnetic form factors: present status and future perspectives at PANDA | Paper | Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson | PA-PRO-2014-007.pdf (192.24 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2014-015 | Design, Construction and Prototyping of the Silicon Strip Tracker for the Micro Vertex Detector of the PANDA Experiment | Paper | Hans-Georg Zaunick | PA-PRO-2014-015.pdf (695.01 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2014-003 | Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip Sensors and their First Operation in a Proton Beam | Paper | Dariusch Deermann, Tobias Stockmanns, James Ritman | PA-PRO-2014-003.pdf (740.52 KB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2015-010 | An Additional Lambda Disk Detector for the PANDA Experiment | Paper | Ajay Kumar | PA-PRO-2015-010.pdf (268.34 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2015-003 | Continuous-Readout Simulation with FairRoot on the Example of the PANDA Experiment | Paper | Tobias Stockmanns | PA-PRO-2015-003.pdf (289.39 KB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2016-010 | PANDA Experiment at FAIR - Subatomic Physics with Antiprotons | Paper | Johan Messchendorp on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration | PA-PRO-2016-010.pdf (1020.65 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-012 | Nucleon structure observables with PANDA | Paper | M. Carmen Mora Espí | PA-PRO-2016-012.pdf (610.19 KB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-JOU-2017-006 | PANDA: Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons | Paper | Klaus Peters, Lars Schmitt, Tobias Stockmanns, and Johan Messchendorp | PA-JOU-2017-006.pdf (1.18 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-001 | Customization of the general fitting tool GENFIT2 in PandaRoot | Paper | Elisabetta Prencipe, Stefano Spataro, Tobias Stockmanns | PA-PRO-2017-001.pdf (291.37 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-005 | Design of the forward straw tube tracker for the PANDA experiment | Paper | Jerzy Smyrski | PA-PRO-2017-005.pdf (1.82 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2012-001 | The Barrel DIRC of PANDA | Paper | Carsten Schwarz for the PANDA Cherenkov Group | PA-PRO-2012-001.pdf (1.31 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2021-002 | Overview of the PANDA Detector design at FAIR | Paper | Tassos | PA-PRO-2021-002.pdf (2.73 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2011-001 | Simulation and reconstruction of the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector | Paper | M. Patsyuk for the PANDA Cherenkov Group | PA-PRO-2011-001.pdf (1.33 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2011-002 | Software development for the PANDA barrel DIRC | Paper | D. Dutta for the PANDA Cherenkov Group |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2019-005 | Latest Improvements of Microchannel-Plate PMTs | Paper | A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) | PA-PRO-2019-005.pdf (609.02 KB) |