Workshop „Physics Opportunities with Proton Beams at SIS100” was held in Wuppertal
PANDA meetings
04/03-08/03 2024 CM 24/1 in Münster
24/06-28/06 2024 CM 24/2 at GSI
25/06-26/06 2024 FEE/DAQ Workshop
04/11-06/11 2024 CM 24/3 at GSI
05/03-07/03 2025 WS at GSI
16/06-20/06 2025 CM 25 in Uppsala
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-DIP-2010-001 | Simulation des PANDA-Luminositätsmonitor-Systems | Thesis | Mathias Michel | TH-DIP-2010-001.pdf (2.35 MB) | |
TH-DIP-2010-002 | Aufbau einer Teststation für das PANDA-Luminositätsmonitor-System | Thesis | Elisabeth Panzenböck | TH-DIP-2010-002.pdf (3.57 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2017-012 | Low power integrated system for a simultaneous time and energy measurement in the PANDA micro-strip detector | Thesis | Alberto Riccardi | TH-PHD-2017-012.pdf (94.83 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2017-003 | Developments towards the Technical Design and Prototype Evaluation of the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC | Thesis | Erik Etzelmüller | TH-PHD-2017-003.pdf (13.68 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2017-004 | Development and evaluation of a signal analysis and a readout system of straw tube detectors for the PANDA spectrometer | Thesis | Pawel Strzempek | TH-PHD-2017-004.pdf (33.14 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2018-009 | Investigation on intense magnetic flux shielding with a high temperature superconducting tube for a transverse polarized target at the PANDA experiment | Thesis | Bertold Froehlich | TH-PHD-2018-009.pdf (75.93 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2018-006 | Feasibility studies for the measurement of the time-like electromagnetic proton form factors at the PANDA experiment | Thesis | Iris Zimmermann | TH-PHD-2018-006.pdf (13.97 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2018-010 | Cluster-Jet Targets for the PANDA-, MAGIX-, and CryoFlash-Experiments at Hadron-, Lepton-, and Laser-Facilities | Thesis | Silke Grieser | TH-PHD-2018-010.pdf (29.63 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2018-007 | Particle-Identification Capability of the Straw Tube Tracker and Feasibility Studies for the Charmed-Baryon Program with PANDA | Thesis | Solmaz Vejdani | TH-PHD-2018-007.pdf (32.01 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-MAS-2020-002 | Performance Studies of pp → ppπ⁰ and pp → ppη Reconstruction for the PANDA Day-1 Setup | Thesis | Jana Rieger | TH-MAS-2020-002.pdf (13.34 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2014-002 | Triggerless hybrid pixel detector for the PANDA experiment and benchmark study of a psi(4040) decay | Thesis | Laura Zotti | TH-PHD-2014-002.pdf (36.9 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2015-008 | D0-anti-D0-Mischung im Zerfall D0 -> Ks pi+ pi- am PANDA-Experiment | Thesis | Andreas Pitka | TH-PHD-2015-008.pdf (25.75 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2015-009 | Development of the Recoil Detector for the HESR Day-One Experiment and Commissioning at COSY by Measuring pp Elastic Scattering | Thesis | Qiang Hu | TH-PHD-2015-009.pdf (18.03 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-DIP-2011-001 | Ein Luminositätsmonitor für PANDA - Charakterisierung von Siliziumstreifensensoren und Bestimmung der erforderlichen Genauigkeit der integrierten Luminosität für die Messung der Linienform des X(3872) | Thesis | Tobias Weber | TH-DIP-2011-001.pdf (5.02 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2012-001 | Multi-Strange and Charmed Antihyperon-Hyperon Physics for PANDA | Thesis | Erik Thomé | TH-PHD-2012-001.pdf (10.21 MB) | |
TH-PHD-2012-002 | Feasibility studies for accessing nucleon structure observables with the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility | Thesis | Maria Carmen Mora Espi | TH-PHD-2012-002.pdf (13.6 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-BAC-2016-004 | Implementation of a trackfinding-algorithm for the forward tracking system of the PANDA-detector | Thesis | Felix Kibellus | TH-BAC-2016-004.pdf (2.92 MB) , TH-BAC-2016-004.pdf (489.65 KB) | |
TH-PHD-2016-009 | Optimization of the Front-End Electronics of the PANDA Barrel EMC | Thesis | Christoph Rosenbaum | TH-PHD-2016-009.pdf (4.32 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2019-001 | Development of a DAQ System for the Custom F.E. Electronics of the PANDA MVD and Study of the Reaction pbarp->Xi-Xibar+pi+pi- | Thesis | Alessandra Lai | TH-PHD-2019-001.pdf (44.26 MB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2013-001 | Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Cluster-Jet-Targets höchster Dichte | Thesis | Alexander Täschner | TH-PHD-2013-001.pdf (12.4 MB) |