Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2016-003 | Reconstructing Hyperons with the PANDA Detector at FAIR | Paper | W Ikegami Andersson | PA-PRO-2016-003.pdf (469.03 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-004 | Performance of Prototypes for the Barrel Part of the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter | Paper | Christoph Rosenbaum | PA-PRO-2016-004.pdf (368.19 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-007 | customizaton of genfit2 fitting tool for PANDA | Paper | Elisabetta Prencipe | PA-PRO-2016-007.pdf (820.48 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-010 | PANDA Experiment at FAIR - Subatomic Physics with Antiprotons | Paper | Johan Messchendorp on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration | PA-PRO-2016-010.pdf (1020.65 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-012 | Nucleon structure observables with PANDA | Paper | M. Carmen Mora Espí | PA-PRO-2016-012.pdf (610.19 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-013 | Online Cluster-Finding Algorithms for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter | Paper | M. Tiemens | PA-PRO-2016-013.pdf (2.42 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-014 | The PANDA Barrel DIRC | Paper | R. Dzhygadlo for the PANDA Cherenkov Group | PA-PRO-2016-014.pdf (4.12 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-015 | Lifetime of MCP-PMTs | Paper | A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) | PA-PRO-2016-015.pdf (4.01 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-016 | Fast SiPM Readout of the PANDA TOF Detector | Paper | M. Böhm et al. (PANDA TOF Group) | PA-PRO-2016-016.pdf (7.19 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-017 | Tremendously increased lifetime of MCP-PMTs | Paper | A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) | PA-PRO-2016-017.pdf (595.89 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2016-018 | Recent Developments with Microchannel-Plate PMTs | Paper | A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) | PA-PRO-2016-018.pdf (467.01 KB) |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
PA-PRO-2017-001 | Customization of the general fitting tool GENFIT2 in PandaRoot | Paper | Elisabetta Prencipe, Stefano Spataro, Tobias Stockmanns | PA-PRO-2017-001.pdf (291.37 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-002 | FairMQ for Online Reconstruction | Paper | Tobias Stockmanns | PA-PRO-2017-002.pdf (7.47 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-003 | Simulation Studies of the Lambda Disks Detector for the PANDA Experiment | Paper | Dr. Ajay Kumar | PA-PRO-2017-003.pdf (228.66 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-004 | Parallel Algorithms for Online Track Finding for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR | Paper | L. Bianchi, A. Herten, J. Ritman, T. Stockmanns | PA-PRO-2017-004.pdf (503.48 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-005 | Design of the forward straw tube tracker for the PANDA experiment | Paper | Jerzy Smyrski | PA-PRO-2017-005.pdf (1.82 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-007 | Event reconstruction and simulation in PandaRoot for the PANDA experiment | Paper | Steinschaden D., on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration | PA-PRO-2017-007.pdf (2.03 MB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-010 | Investigation of the proton structure at PANDA-FAIR | Paper | Iris Zimmermann, Alaa Dbeyssi, Dmitry Khaneft | PA-PRO-2017-010.pdf (132.99 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-012 | Threshold scan at PANDA | Paper | Elisabetta Prencipe | PA-PRO-2017-012.pdf (127.17 KB) | |
PA-PRO-2017-013 | Hyperon Production in Annihilation Reactions | Paper | Tord Johansson | PA-PRO-2017-013.pdf (294.04 KB) |