
Contact:  Alexander Vodopyanov

Appropriate magnetic fields are the prerequisite of any momentum reconstruction and subsequent particle identification for charged particles. The two large spectrometer magnets of PANDA are designed to provide an ideal combination of fields: a solenoidal magnetic field of 2T around the interaction region and a dipole field of up to 1T for particles emitted at forward angles below 5(10)°.


The central field of 2T will be generated by a superconducting solenoid which will leave an inner diameter of 1.9m free for detector placement. Its split coil design permits the allocation of a vertical target feed pipe at about 1/3 of the length of the coil. The whole system, which weighs more than 300t will be placed on a movable platform in order be able to retract the system for commissioning and maintenance. (See also Solenoid.) Forward going particles will experience a field integral of 2Tm generated by a dipole magnet with a total weight of 220t and an aperture of about 1m x 3m, which also will be instrumented. (See also Dipole.) This system will be complemented by a large array of detectors on another movable platform further downstream.


Please find the details in our recent Technical Design Report, approved by FAIR Scientific and Technical Issues (STI) working group, May 2009, 119p, arXiv:0907.0169. For updates please also refer to the Wiki pages of the Magnet group.



Solenoid Magnet

The PANDA solenoid magnet in the target spectrometer.

Dipole Magnet

The PANDA dipole magnet in the forward spectrometer.