The Panda Theory PhD Prize is an award for the best Panda related Theory PhD thesis of the current  two year period. 
For more information about the procedure and how to take part have a look at the Theory PhD Prize Rules.

The first time the prize was awarded in 2018 and since it went to:

2024 Roberto Bruschini Ohio State University, USA Unified Study of Spectrum and Properties of Heavy Mesons at Energies below and above Meson-Meson Thresholds
2022 Bai-Long Hoid University of Bonn, Germany Taming Hadronic Effects at the Precision Frontier: From the Muon Anomaly to Rare Decays
2020 Antoni Woss University of Cambridge, United Kingdom The scattering of spinning hadrons from lattice QCD
2018 Antje Peters Goethe Univ. Frankfurt, Germany Investigation of heavy-light four-quark systems by means of Lattice QCD