PANDA at HADES STS dectectorsThe PANDA Outstanding Achievement Award 2021 went to

  • Peter Wintz
  • Gabriela Perez Andrade
  • Artur Derichs
  • Jerzy Smyrski
  • Rafał Lalik
  • Konrad Sumara

for the successful preparation, installation, commissioning and deployment of the forward tracker planes (STS1/2) in the PANDA@HADES setup.
This detector system is a crucial part of the upgraded HADES and the first PANDA detector to be taken into operation at the FAIR site as a part of the Phase 0 initiative.
The STS1/2 increases the physics potential of the HADES experiment in particular for the hyperon physics program, as demonstrated in the HADES / PANDA@HADES joint publication "Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a Phase-0 experiment at FAIR",
Eur. Phys. J. A (2021) 57:138.