CIPANP 2018 -- 13th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics


Tuesday, 29 May, 2018 to Sunday, 3 June, 2018

Abstract deadline: 

Friday, 20 April, 2018



Early Bird Registration Deadline is April 20th

After 20 April 2018           Late abstracts can be submitted, but contact conveners for your topic area

Maximal consideration will be given to abstracts submitted by the April 20 deadline.   All abstracts submitted by this date will be reviewed by the conveners for the appropriate topic area. Contributors will be informed by April 30 whether their contributions have been selected for oral presentation in the parallel sessions or, alternatively, scheduled as posters. 

Abstracts can be submitted after April 20, but selection for oral presentation will depend on whether space is available.  If you submit a late abstract, please email the conveners for the relevant topic area, to let them know.

Submission of your abstract implies that you are willing to present the work as a poster or as a talk. Please indicate your preferred presentation type on the submission form. The conveners will review the abstracts after the submission deadline, and subject to space available, schedule the talks and posters.


Palm Springs, CA
United States


Event location: