

Monday, 29 July, 2019 to Friday, 2 August, 2019

Abstract deadline: 

Friday, 31 May, 2019


The APS Division of Particles & Fields (DPF) Meeting brings the members of the Division together to review results and discuss future plans and directions for our field. It is an opportunity for attendees, including young researchers, to present their findings at multiple parallel and plenary sessions. Participants will also have the chance to talk with DOE and NSF representatives about funding opportunities. This is the main biennial meeting of the U.S. particle physics community, and it includes substantial international participation.

Topics covered will include: LHC Run 2 Results; Physics Beyond the Standard Model; Accelerators, Detectors, Computing; Cosmic Ray Particle Astrophysics; Cosmology & Dark Matter; Electroweak & Top Quark; Field & String Theory; Outreach & Education; Flavor Physics; CP Violation; Higgs Sector; Heavy Ions; Neutrinos; QCD.

Plenary and parallel sessions will take place in large lecture halls or classrooms on the Northeastern University campus, located in the heart of Boston.

Event attachment: 


Northeastern University
Physics Department, 110 Forsyth St.
Boston, MA 02115
United States


Event location: