Dear Colleagues,
On March 31 and April 1 the annual PANDA DAQ FEE Workshop will take place at KVI-CART, Groningen, the Netherlands.
The workshop will cover DAQ, Trigger and Frontend Electronics. In order to have complete overview of the developments
related to the readout chain we would like to invite experts on the online event reconstruction.
On Thursday evening we will have a social dinner. To get in time the right picture on the attendance
we would like to ask you to register on the following Indico page by March 14:
The registration fee of 60 EUR covering breaks and the dinner is payable in cash at the start of the workshop.
We are looking forward to welcome you at KVI-CART.
With best regards,
PS: Please your personal Indico / web login for the registration.
KVI - Center for Advanced Radiation Technology University of Groningen
Zernikelaan 25
9747AA Groningen