Primordial QCD Matter 2014


Wednesday, 24 September, 2014 to Sunday, 28 September, 2014

Abstract deadline: 

Monday, 15 September, 2014


from second announcement:

" ... the third international WLCAPP conference on

Primordial QCD Matter 2014
which will be held
September 24-28, 2014, in Hurghada - Red Sea, Egypt.

Please note that the deadline for registration and abstract submission has been extended to September 15th. Both registration and abstract submission are open via the corresponding links on our web site at Speakers will be selected among the submitted abstracts shortly after the closing date and notified  

The conference fee will be announced.

Details about accommodation are elaborated on the conference website at You find various hotels in Hurghada. Please select the one you prefer. The given rates are special for the conference participants.

We are planning to organize a one-day-trip to Luxor. Details about other touristic activities (diving, safari, sightseeing, etc.) will be announced soon.

The aim of this conference is to enhance the direct exchange of scientific information among the particle scientists and cosmologists of the, both from the experiments and theory.

Therefore we especially want to encourage postdoctoral fellows, advanced graduate students, and junior faculty and research staff to apply.

Topics include

  • Non-Equilibrium Processes,
  • Cosmological standard model,
  • Standard Model for Elementary Particles and beyond (SUSY)
  • Inflation, Electroweak and QCD Eras,
  • GUT, Big Bang, Quantum Gravity and Black Holes
  • Baryon asymmetry and Nucleosynthesis
  • Relativistic astrophysics and recent astrophysical observations,
  • Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and top-down scenario
  • Relativistic hydrodynamic and thermal description of QCD matter
  • Properties of hadronic and partonic matter and EoS
  • Deconfinement and chiral phase transitions in QCD
  • Thermodynamics in lattice QCD and QCD Matter at finite Baryon Density
  • Lessons from BABAR and RHIC for CLICK, eRHIC, NICA and FAIR, etc.

Further details about the program and the workshop venue will be posted on this web page

A lively, informative discussion is anticipated at the meeting, leading to progress in advancing the state of the knowledge of HEP and Cosmology.

Please distribute this email within your collaborations and local groups.




