This is the first circular of the 8th Biennial Workshop of the APS Topical
Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2019) which will be held April 10-12, 2019 in
Denver, CO. The workshop precedes the APS April Meeting 2019 and will take
place at the same venue.
More detailed information, as it is finalized, will be found at the meeting
The GHP workshop provides great opportunities for nuclear and particle
physicists to meet and discuss their common interests in hadronic interactions.
The topics of the workshop include:
Light- and heavy-quark mesons & baryons
Exotic hadrons
Transverse and longitudinal structure of hadrons
Hadron tomography and hadronization
Neutrino-hadron interactions
QCD effects in nuclei
Physics of the quark-gluon plasma
Physics of gluon saturation
EFT approaches in hadron physics
Lattice QCD and other non-perturbative approaches
Future facilities
The scientific program will consist of invited and contributed talks. There
will also be a GHP business meeting on Wednesday, April 10. The social dinner
is planned for the evening of April 11, 2019.
Columbus, Ohio
Denver, CO
United States