Panda Event List

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33

Sat, 04/11/2023 to Sat, 11/11/2023

Mon, 23/10/2023 to Fri, 27/10/2023

TA-WKS-2023-016 , PID of the PANDA Experiment , Carsten Schwarz

Thu, 19/10/2023 to Fri, 20/10/2023

Mon, 16/10/2023 to Fri, 20/10/2023

Mon, 09/10/2023 to Thu, 12/10/2023

Mon, 25/09/2023 to Fri, 29/09/2023

TA-CON-2023-014 , Characterization of ToASt ASIC for the readout of the PANDA MVD strip detector , Francesca Lenta

Tue, 05/09/2023 to Thu, 14/09/2023

Mon, 17/07/2023 to Fri, 28/07/2023

Mon, 17/07/2023 to Fri, 21/07/2023

GSI Open House

Sat, 15/07/2023

Mon, 03/07/2023 to Thu, 06/07/2023

TA-WKS-2023-015 , Antihyperons in Nuclei (with PANDA) , Michael Papenbrock

Thu, 22/06/2023 to Tue, 27/06/2023

Mon, 12/06/2023 to Fri, 16/06/2023

Mon, 05/06/2023 to Fri, 09/06/2023

TA-CON-2023-013 , PANDA perspectives in exotics (tbs) , Frank Nerling

Wed, 19/04/2023 to Fri, 21/04/2023

Mon, 20/03/2023 to Fri, 24/03/2023

TA-DPG-2023-006 , New "escalation" effect observed in recent MCP-PMTs , Steffen Krauss

TA-DPG-2023-009 , Der PANDA-Luminositätsdetektor , Heinrich Leithoff

TA-POS-2023-010 , Silicon Pixel Sensors for the PANDA Luminosity Detector , Niels Boelger

TA-DPG-2023-004 , Performance of the first mass production MCP-PMTs for the PANDA Barrel DIRC and lifetime of the latest MCP-PMTs , Katja Gumbert

TA-DPG-2023-012 , Implementation of the Acts tracking software into PandaRoot , Ken Suzuki

TA-DPG-2023-007 , Series calibration of the slow-control of the barrel part of the PANDA EMC front-end electronics , Christopher Hahn

TA-DPG-2023-011 , Systematic Studies of Radiation Damage and Stimulated Recovery of PWO , Orsich Pavel

TA-DPG-2023-003 , A State-of-the-Art Cluster-Jet Target for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR , Philipp Brand

TA-DPG-2023-008 , Aufbau und Kalibration der Vorwärtsendkappe des elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters des PANDA-Experimentes am COSY in Jülich , Lukas Linzen

TA-DPG-2023-001 , Hyperon Reconstruction with Realistic Track Finding for PANDA , Anna Alicke

TA-DPG-2023-002 , A language model based tracking algorithm for the Straw Tube Tracker of the PANDA experiment , Jakapat Kannika

Tue, 14/03/2023 to Thu, 16/03/2023

TA-WKS-2023-005 , Hyperon and hypernuclear physics with PANDA , Karin Schönning

Mon, 06/03/2023 to Fri, 10/03/2023