We have the pleasure to announce the awardees of this years Outstanding Achievement Awards for accomplishments in 2019: This years prize will be awarded in two categories "PANDA Physics Analysis" and "Hardware Contributions to PANDA":
The prize in the category "Hardware Contributions to PANDA" goes to Andrey Ryazantsev, Valery Ferapontov, Andrey Levin, Vasiliy Mochalov, Igor Shein and Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP, Protvino / Russia) for their excellent work on the first of series slice for the PANDA Barrel EMC. This major milestone of the collaboration was achieved with tremendous skill and effort.
The prize in the category "Physics Analysis" goes to Klaus Götzen, Ralf Kliemt and Frank Nerling (GSI, HI Mainz and U Frankfurt / Germany) for their excellent work on the PANDA physics program for a very detailed feasibility study of the line-scan capabilities of PANDA. This has set very high standards for treating all systematic errors correctly and is beyond the state in PANDA so far.