Workshop „Physics Opportunities with Proton Beams at SIS100” was held in Wuppertal
PANDA meetings
04/03-08/03 2024 CM 24/1 in Münster
24/06-28/06 2024 CM 24/2 at GSI
25/06-26/06 2024 FEE/DAQ Workshop
04/11-06/11 2024 CM 24/3 at GSI
05/03-07/03 2025 WS at GSI
16/06-20/06 2025 CM 25 in Uppsala
The Detector Control of the PANDA Experiment
Florian Feldbauer
(320.85 KB)
Lars Schmitt
Instrumentation 2014 - The PANDA experiment will be build at the antiproton storage ring HESR, a part of
the new accelerator facility FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany. PANDA aims amongst others for high
precision measurements in hadron spectroscopy and search for exotic matter. To guarantee the high
resolution of the different components a detector control system (DCS) monitoring temperatures,
humidity, pressure, and controlling chillers and power supplies is needed. The DCS of PANDA is
build using the open-source software package EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control
System) with a PANDA specific version of Control-System Studio.
In this document the general conecepts of the PANDA DCS will be discussed.
the new accelerator facility FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany. PANDA aims amongst others for high
precision measurements in hadron spectroscopy and search for exotic matter. To guarantee the high
resolution of the different components a detector control system (DCS) monitoring temperatures,
humidity, pressure, and controlling chillers and power supplies is needed. The DCS of PANDA is
build using the open-source software package EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control
System) with a PANDA specific version of Control-System Studio.
In this document the general conecepts of the PANDA DCS will be discussed.