Publication title:
Strangeness nuclear physics atPANDA in a nutshell
Publication author:
Josef Pochodzalla
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Publication date:
Tuesday, 16 April, 2019
Publication abstract:
\panda\ at FAIR will address the physics of strangeness in nuclei by several novel and unique measurements. These studies are only made possible by the
one-of-a-kind combination of the stored antiproton beam at FAIR and the modular \panda\ detector which will be complemented by a germanium detector array. The latter was made available by a cooperation with the NUSTAR collaboration.
\panda\ also offers the unique possibility to search for X-rays from very heavy hyperatoms such as e.g. $\Xi^-$-$^{208}$Pb. This will complement experiments at J-PARC which attempt to measure X-rays in light and (possibly) medium-heavy nuclei by the J-PARC E03 and E07 experiments. The measurement at \panda\ will allow to constrain the real and imaginary potential of $\Xi^-$ hyperons in the neutron skin
of the lead nucleus.
\panda\ will extend the studies on double hypernuclei by performing for the first time high resolution $\gamma$-spectroscopy of these nuclei. Thus, \Panda\ complements measurements of ground state masses of double hypernuclei in emulsions at J-PARC conducted by the E07 Collaboration \cite{E07-proposal,doi:10.1142/9789814618229_0025} or the production of excited resonant states in heavy ion reactions which may, for example, be explored in future by the CBM Collaboration. Together, these measurements will provide a as yet unrivaled information on the structure of double $\Lambda\Lambda$ hypernuclei.
Furthermore, the exclusive production of hyperon-antihyperon pairs close to their production threshold in $\Pap$ - nucleus collisions offers a unique and hitherto unexplored opportunity to elucidate the behaviour of antihyperons in cold nuclei which is intimately related to the short-range part of the baryonic interaction.
In all these studies, the production of low momentum {\PagL} within nuclei or slow $\Xi^-$ hyperons which can eventually be stopped in a secondary target material play an essential role.