In 2017 the 1st PANDA Photo Contest took place and the winners in the three categories have been presented during our Collaboration Meeting in Novosibirsk.

If you like you can have a look at a gallery with all contributions.

...and the prize goes to....

Category 1: Detector Photo

"Crystal Test Array" from Dmitry Khaneft & David Rodríguez Piñeiro (both HI Mainz)

shows a test array of Lead-Tungstate crystals for the backward end cap of the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter.

Feel free to read more about the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter and its function for the experiment.







Category 2: Fun of Research

"Woman at work“ from Daniel Bonaventura, Universität Münster (c) AG Khoukaz, Institut für Kernphysik, WWU Münster

shows Silke Grieser from Universität Münster working on pumps of the cluster-jet target prototype of the PANDA experiment.

There is more information available about the PANDA target system.











Category 3: Artwork

"STT by Night“ from Jülich Photo Shooting Team, FZ Jülich (c) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

shows a model of the Straw Tube Tracker for charged particle tracking in PANDA with interesting lighting.

The STT is an essential part of the PANDA tracking system.