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Displaying 61 - 80 of 286
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2017-003 Simulation Studies of the Lambda Disks Detector for the PANDA Experiment Paper (PA) Dr. Ajay Kumar 04Feb2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-012 Threshold scan at PANDA Paper (PA) Elisabetta Prencipe 19Dec2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-012.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-001 Customization of the general fitting tool GENFIT2 in PandaRoot Paper (PA) Elisabetta Prencipe, Stefano Spataro, Tobias Stockmanns 19Jan2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-001.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-003 Developments towards the Technical Design and Prototype Evaluation of the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Thesis (TH) Erik Etzelmüller 24Apr2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-003.pdf
TA-CON-2017-055 The PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Talk (TA) Erik Etzelmüller 13Oct2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-055.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
TA-CON-2014-002 Antiprotons physics with PANDA at FAIR Talk (TA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 22May2014
TA-CON-2014-004 Hadron Form factors in space-like and time-like regions Talk (TA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 09Jul2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-004.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-007 Proton electromagnetic form factors: present status and future perspectives at PANDA Paper (PA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 13Oct2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-007.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-009 Antiproton Physics with PANDA at FAIR Paper (PA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 27Oct2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-009.pdf
TA-CON-2014-011 Pespectives of Open Charm Physics with the PANDA experiment Talk (TA) Elisabetta Prencipe 13Aug2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-011.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-016 Feasibility studies for nucleon structure measurements with PANDA Paper (PA) Ermias ATOMSSA, Binsong MA 26Nov2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-016.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2018-003 The PANDA Experiment at FAIR Paper (PA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 14Mar2018 PDF icon PA-PRO-2018-003.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
TA-CON-2015-043 Search for Z states at PANDA Talk (TA) Elisabetta Prencipe 28Jun2015 PDF icon TA-CON-2015-043.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-001 Hadrons with c-s quark content: past, present and future Paper (PA) Elisabetta Prencipe 19Mar2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-001.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-014 New spectroscopy with PANDA at FAIR: X, Y, Z and the F-wave charmonium states Paper (PA) Elisabetta Prencipe 09Nov2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-014.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-015 Feasibility Study for the Measurement of pi-N Transition Distribution Amplitudes with PANDA Paper (PA) Ermias Atomssa 22Dec2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-015.pdf
PA-PRO-2015-017 Breakthrough in the Lifetime of Microchannel Plate Photomultipliers Paper (PA) F. Uhlig et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) 01Jul2015 PDF icon PA-PRO-2015-017.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
PA-PRO-2016-007 customizaton of genfit2 fitting tool for PANDA Paper (PA) Elisabetta Prencipe 04May2016 PDF icon PA-PRO-2016-007.pdf
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TH-PHD-2012-001 Multi-Strange and Charmed Antihyperon-Hyperon Physics for PANDA Thesis (TH) Erik Thomé 13Nov2012 PDF icon TH-PHD-2012-001.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Authorsort descending Date File
RE-TDR-2020-007 Update to the Technical Design Report for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Report (RE) F.H. Heinsius et al. 08Oct2020 PDF icon RE-TDR-2020-007.pdf, PDF icon RE-TDR-2020-007.pdf
