Detector hardware

E.g. construction of detector component electronics

Publication title: 

Low power integrated system for a simultaneous time and energy measurement in the PANDA micro-strip detector

Publication author: 

Alberto Riccardi

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

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Publication date: 

Tuesday, 2 May, 2017

Publication title: 

Measurements and improvements of the response of the PANDA-EMC prototype PROTO60 to high energetic particles and photons in accelerator experiments

Publication author: 

Markus Moritz

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Tuesday, 24 September, 2013

Publication title: 

A Time-Based Front-End ASIC for the Silicon Micro Strip Sensors of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector

Publication author: 

Valentino di Pietro

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Sunday, 29 October, 2017

Publication title: 

TDR for the Detector Control System

Publication author: 

The PANDA collaboration

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Publication type: 


Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Thursday, 25 October, 2018

Publication title: 

Recent Progress with Microchannel-Plate PMTs

Publication author: 

A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group)

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Publication type: 


Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Thursday, 18 October, 2018


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