Detector software

E.g. simulation of detector components

Publication title: 

Technical Design Report for the: PANDA Data Acquisition and Event Filtering

Publication author: 

M. Kavatsyuk

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Publication date: 

Monday, 10 August, 2020

Publication title: 

Digital Signal Processing for the Measurement of Particle Properties with the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter

Publication author: 

Oliver Noll

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

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Publication date: 

Thursday, 23 April, 2020

Publication title: 

Developments for the FPGA-Based Digitiser in the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeters

Publication author: 

Markus Preston

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Friday, 17 April, 2020

Publication title: 

Exploring the Merits and Challenges of Hyperon Physics

Publication author: 

Walter Ikegami Andersson

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Friday, 28 February, 2020

Publication title: 

Feasibility studies für the high precision X-ray spectroscopy of heavy $\Xi^-$ hyperatoms at $\overline{\text{P}}$ANDA using the PANda GErmanium Array PANGEA

Publication author: 

Marcell Steinen

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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Thursday, 12 December, 2019


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