Paper (PA)

Publication title: 

The Barrel DIRC detector of PANDA

Publication author: 

Carsten Schwarz

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Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Thursday, 25 October, 2018

Publication title: 

Strangeness nuclear physics atPANDA in a nutshell

Publication author: 

Josef Pochodzalla

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Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Tuesday, 16 April, 2019

Publication title: 

The innovative Design of the PANDA Barrel DIRC

Publication author: 

Georg Schepers

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Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Thursday, 4 April, 2019

Publication title: 

The PANDA DIRC Detectors

Publication author: 

Jochen Schwiening for the PANDA Cherenkov Group

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Publication type: 


Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Monday, 3 December, 2018

Publication title: 

Latest Improvements of Microchannel-Plate PMTs

Publication author: 

A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group)

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Publication type: 


Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Monday, 1 April, 2019


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