Walter Ikegami AnderssonDr. Walter Ikegami Andersson (Photo: WIA/private) has received the Panda PhD Prize 2020 for his doctoral thesis "Exploring the Merits and Challenges of Hyperon Physics with PANDA at FAIR" at GSI, FAIR, and the Uppsala University. His doctoral advisor was Prof. Dr. Karin Schönning from the Uppsala University. The award was announced by the spokesman of the Panda Collaboration, Klaus Peters from GSI, at the most recent Online Panda Collaboration meeting. 

The Panda Collaboration has awarded the PhD Prize once per year since 2013 in order to honor the best dissertation written in connection with the Panda Experiment. In his dissertation, Physicist Walter Ikegami Andersson studied hyperon production and reactions within the Panda detector, which is being built at the FAIR accelerator facility.

The Panda Collaboration awards the PhD Prize to specifically honor students’ contributions to the Panda project. Candidates for the PhD Prize are nominated by their doctoral advisors. In addition to being directly related to the Panda Experiment, the nominees’ doctoral degrees must have received a rating of “very good” or better. Up to three candidates are shortlisted for the award and can present their dissertations at the Panda Collaboration meeting. The winner is chosen by a committee that is appointed for this task by the Panda Collaboration.

First test assembly of the PANDA Solenoid Yoke at SET in Novosibirsk. BINP performed precise measurements with laser trackers to check all relevant dimensions. After some necessary corrections the yoke will be finalized and painted. Then it will be assembled at BINP for the installation of the cryostat, coil and control dewar for tests starting 2022.

Dear PANDA member,

the collaboration-wide PANDA Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson election was open from Aug 24th 2020, 15:00h CEST to Sep 30th 2020, 24:00h CEST. 

More than 50% of the PANDA members have cast their vote, so that a quorum has been reached as required by the governance rules.

Ulrich Wiedner (on the left, CV) has been elected as new spokesperson and Karin Schönning (on the right, photo by Mats Kamsten, Uppsala University, CV) will be his deputy

On behalf of the PANDA collaboration and personally I would like to congratulate Karin and Ulrich for their demanding office starting in January 2021.
I wish both of you all the best for representing our collaboration in the challenging time to come. 

I would also like to express a first thank to those who will be relieved at the end of the year for the excellent work done for our collaboration !

With best regards,  Frank
on behalf of the PANDA collaboration board

We have the pleasure to announce the awardees of this years Outstanding Achievement Awards for accomplishments in 2019: This years prize will be awarded in two categories "PANDA Physics Analysis" and "Hardware Contributions to PANDA":

The prize in the category "Hardware Contributions to PANDA" goes to Andrey Ryazantsev, Valery Ferapontov, Andrey Levin, Vasiliy Mochalov, Igor Shein and Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP, Protvino / Russia) for their excellent work on the first of series slice for the PANDA Barrel EMC. This major milestone of the collaboration was achieved with tremendous skill and effort.

The prize in the category "Physics Analysis" goes to Klaus Götzen, Ralf Kliemt and Frank Nerling (GSI, HI Mainz and U Frankfurt / Germany) for their excellent work on the PANDA physics program for a very detailed feasibility study of the line-scan capabilities of PANDA. This has set very high standards for treating all systematic errors correctly and is beyond the state in PANDA so far.

PANDA PhD Prize 2019Dr. Silke Grieser (Photos by: on the left - Udo Kurilla, GSI; on the right - Silke Grieser, private) has received the Panda PhD Prize 2019 for her doctoral thesis "Cluster-Jet Targets for the PANDA-, MAGIX-, and CryoFlash-Experiments at Hadron-, Lepton-, and Laser-Facilities" at GSI, FAIR, and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster.

The award was presented by the spokesman of the Panda Collaboration, Klaus Peters from GSI, at the most recent Panda Collaboration meeting at GSI in Darmstadt. Her doctoral advisor was Prof. Dr. Alfons Khoukaz from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster.

The Panda Collaboration has awarded the PhD Prize once per year since 2013 in order to honor the best dissertation written in connection with the Panda Experiment. Silke GrieserIn her dissertation, Physicist Silke Grieser studied various aspects of Cluster Jets in order to produce an abundant number of exotic particles within the Panda detector, which is being built at the FAIR accelerator facility.

Candidates for the PhD Prize are nominated by their doctoral advisors. In addition to being directly related to the Panda Experiment, the nominees’ doctoral degrees must have received a rating of “very good” or better. Up to three candidates are shortlisted for the award and can present their dissertations at the Panda Collaboration meeting. The winner is chosen by a committee that is appointed for this task by the Panda Collaboration.
The Panda Collaboration awards the PhD Prize to specifically honor students’ contributions to the Panda project.


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