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Here is a shortlink to the: PANDA publication list

Displaying 1 - 20 of 286
Document IDsort ascending Title Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2023-003 Read-out and online processing for the Forward Tracker in HADES and PANDA Thesis (TH) Akshay Malige 03Nov2023 PDF icon TH-PHD-2023-003.pdf
TH-PHD-2023-002 Towards Realistic Hyperon Reconstruction in PANDA: From Tracking with Machine Learning to Interactions with Residual Gas Thesis (TH) Adeel Akram 19May2023 PDF icon TH-PHD-2023-002.pdf
TH-PHD-2023-001 Development of fast track finding algorithms for densely packed straw tube trackers and its application to Xi(1820) hyperon reconstruction for the PANDA experiment Thesis (TH) Anna Alicke 13Jun2023 PDF icon TH-PHD-2023-001.pdf
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TH-PHD-2022-002 Time for Hyperons - Development of Software Tools for Reconstructing Hyperons at PANDA and HADES Thesis (TH) Jenny Regina 09Feb2022 PDF icon TH-PHD-2022-002.pdf
TH-PHD-2022-001 Deep Learning for Track Finding and the Reconstruction of Excited Hyperons in Proton Induced Reactions Thesis (TH) Waleed Esmail 13Jan2022 PDF icon TH-PHD-2022-001.pdf
Document IDsort ascending Title Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2021-003 Development of software alignment algorithms and optimization of the luminosity extraction via alignment of the PANDA luminosity detector Thesis (TH) Roman Klasen 30Sep2021 PDF icon TH-PHD-2021-003.pdf
TH-PHD-2021-002 Particle Identification with the PANDA Barrel DIRC and the GlueX DIRC Thesis (TH) Ahmed Ali 21Oct2021 PDF icon TH-PHD-2021-002.pdf
TH-PHD-2021-001 Development of the Fast Timing Panda Barrel Time-of-Flight Detector Thesis (TH) Sebastian Zimmermann 04Feb2021 PDF icon TH-PHD-2021-001.pdf
Document IDsort ascending Title Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2020-007 Development of an online track finding algorithm for the PANDA Luminosity Detector and search for the decay channel e+e- -> hc eta pi pi at the center of mass energy of 4.6 GeV at BESIII Thesis (TH) Stephan Maldaner 29Dec2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-007.pdf
TH-PHD-2020-006 Performance und Lebensdauer von MCP-PMTs der neuesten Generation hinsichtlich ihrer Einsetzbarkeit im P̄ANDA-Experiment Thesis (TH) Markus Pfaffinger 10Aug2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-006.pdf
TH-PHD-2020-005 Digital Signal Processing for the Measurement of Particle Properties with the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Thesis (TH) Oliver Noll 23Apr2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-005.pdf
TH-PHD-2020-004 Developments for the FPGA-Based Digitiser in the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeters Thesis (TH) Markus Preston 17Apr2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-004.pdf
TH-PHD-2020-003 Exploring the Merits and Challenges of Hyperon Physics Thesis (TH) Walter Ikegami Andersson 28Feb2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-003.pdf
TH-PHD-2020-001 Study of Excited Ξ Baryons in Anti-Proton Proton Collisions with the P̅ANDA Detector Thesis (TH) Jennifer Pütz 07Feb2020 PDF icon TH-PHD-2020-001.pdf
Document IDsort ascending Title Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2019-006 Feasibility studies für the high precision X-ray spectroscopy of heavy $\Xi^-$ hyperatoms at $\overline{\text{P}}$ANDA using the PANda GErmanium Array PANGEA Thesis (TH) Marcell Steinen 12Dec2019 PDF icon TH-PHD-2019-006.pdf
TH-PHD-2019-002 Analysis of J/ψ→φηη at BESIII and Calibration of the Temperature Monitoring System for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Thesis (TH) Miriam Kümmel 13May2019 PDF icon TH-PHD-2019-002.pdf
TH-PHD-2019-001 Development of a DAQ System for the Custom F.E. Electronics of the PANDA MVD and Study of the Reaction pbarp->Xi-Xibar+pi+pi- Thesis (TH) Alessandra Lai 13Feb2019 PDF icon TH-PHD-2019-001.pdf
Document IDsort ascending Title Publication type Author Date File
TH-PHD-2018-010 Cluster-Jet Targets for the PANDA-, MAGIX-, and CryoFlash-Experiments at Hadron-, Lepton-, and Laser-Facilities Thesis (TH) Silke Grieser 13Dec2018 PDF icon TH-PHD-2018-010.pdf
TH-PHD-2018-009 Investigation on intense magnetic flux shielding with a high temperature superconducting tube for a transverse polarized target at the PANDA experiment Thesis (TH) Bertold Froehlich 23Oct2018 PDF icon TH-PHD-2018-009.pdf
TH-PHD-2018-008 Particle identification with the Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA Thesis (TH) Mustafa Schmidt 16Feb2018 PDF icon TH-PHD-2018-008.pdf
