Physics analysis

E.g. a partial wave analysis of a channel

Publication title: 

Nucleon structure studies with the PANDA experiment at FAIR

Publication author: 

Alaa Dbeyssi

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Publication date: 

Monday, 12 November, 2018

Publication title: 

Feasibility studies for the measurement of the time-like electromagnetic proton form factors at the PANDA experiment

Publication author: 

Iris Zimmermann

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Theses type: 

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Publication date: 

Monday, 22 October, 2018

Publication title: 

Chiral dynamics for open- charm systems at PANDA

Publication author: 

Xiaoyu Guo

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Theses type: 

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Publication date: 

Wednesday, 15 February, 2017

Publication title: 

Online cluster-finding algorithms for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter

Publication author: 

Marcel Tiemens

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Theses type: 

Publication classification: 

Publication date: 

Monday, 20 November, 2017

Publication title: 

Etude des réactions d'annihilation proton-antiproton et contribution expérimentale à la polarimétrie hadronique.Study of antiproton-proton annihilation reactions and experimental contribution to hadron polarimetry

Publication author: 


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Publication type: 

Theses type: 

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Publication date: 

Thursday, 7 September, 2017


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