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Here is a shortlink to the: PANDA publication list

Displaying 121 - 140 of 286
Document ID Title Publication type Author Date File
PA-PRO-2017-010 Investigation of the proton structure at PANDA-FAIR Paper (PA) Iris Zimmermann, Alaa Dbeyssi, Dmitry Khaneft 09Nov2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-010.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-015 Recent results with lifetime enhanced microchannel-plate photomultipliers Paper (PA) M. Pfaffinger et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) 04Nov2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-015.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-007 Event reconstruction and simulation in PandaRoot for the PANDA experiment Paper (PA) Steinschaden D., on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration 01Nov2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-007.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-011 A Time-Based Front-End ASIC for the Silicon Micro Strip Sensors of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector Thesis (TH) Valentino di Pietro 29Oct2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-011.pdf
PA-JOU-2017-008 Pressure stabilized straw tube modules for the PANDA Forward Tracker Paper (PA) J. Smyrski et al. 19Oct2017 PDF icon PA-JOU-2017-008.pdf
TA-CON-2017-055 The PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Talk (TA) Erik Etzelmüller 13Oct2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-055.pdf
TA-CON-2017-041 The detector of the PANDA experiment at FAIR Talk (TA) Thomas Held 11Sep2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-041.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-008 Etude des réactions d'annihilation proton-antiproton et contribution expérimentale à la polarimétrie hadronique.Study of antiproton-proton annihilation reactions and experimental contribution to hadron polarimetry Thesis (TH) Ying WANG 07Sep2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-008.pdf
TA-CON-2017-046 Few-Body Physics with PANDA Talk (TA) J. Messchendorp 31Aug2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-046.pdf
TA-CON-2017-054 The PANDA Barrel DIRC Talk (TA) Jochen Schwiening 08Aug2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-054.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-005 An investigation of the proton structure in the space-like domain and feasibility studies of the proton electromagnetic form factor measurement in the time-like region Thesis (TH) Dmitry Khaneft 17Jul2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-005.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-004 Development and evaluation of a signal analysis and a readout system of straw tube detectors for the PANDA spectrometer Thesis (TH) Pawel Strzempek 14Jul2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-004.pdf
PA-PRO-2017-014 The PANDA DIRC Detectors at FAIR Paper (PA) Carsten Schwarz for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 04Jul2017 PDF icon PA-PRO-2017-014.pdf
TA-COL-2017-039 Status of PANDA @ FAIR Talk (TA) Klaus Peters 16May2017 PDF icon TA-COL-2017-039.pdf
TA-COL-2017-030 Studies of Hadrons with the PANDA Experiment @ FAIR Talk (TA) Klaus Peters 09May2017 PDF icon TA-COL-2017-030.pdf
TH-PHD-2017-012 Low power integrated system for a simultaneous time and energy measurement in the PANDA micro-strip detector Thesis (TH) Alberto Riccardi 02May2017 PDF icon TH-PHD-2017-012.pdf
TA-CON-2017-025 PANDA - Physics program and technological advances Talk (TA) Johan Messchendorp 28Apr2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-025.pdf
TA-CON-2017-031 Assembly of the First Barrel Slice Segment for the PANDA EMC Talk (TA) Hans-Georg Zaunick 27Apr2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-031.pdf
TA-CON-2017-033 PANDA Hardware - Status and Developments Talk (TA) K.-Th. Brinkmann 27Apr2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-033.pdf
TA-CON-2017-029 PANDA @ FAIR Talk (TA) Klaus Peters 26Apr2017 PDF icon TA-CON-2017-029.pdf
