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Here is a shortlink to the: PANDA publication list

Displaying 241 - 260 of 287
Document ID Title Publication type Author Date File
PA-JOU-2014-002 Experimental access to the Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the PANDA experiment at FAIR Paper (PA) Maria Carmen Mora Espi, Manuel Zambrana, Frank Maas and Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky 01Sep2014 PDF icon PA-JOU-2014-002.pdf
TA-CON-2014-010 Status of Day-1 experiment at HESR Talk (TA) Huagen Xu 13Aug2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-010.pdf, PDF icon TA-CON-2014-010.pdf
TA-CON-2014-011 Pespectives of Open Charm Physics with the PANDA experiment Talk (TA) Elisabetta Prencipe 13Aug2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-011.pdf
TA-CON-2014-008 The Micro Vertex Detector project in the PANDA experiment Talk (TA) Daniela Calvo on behalf of the MVD group 31Jul2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-008.pdf, PDF icon TA-CON-2014-008.pdf
TA-CON-2014-004 Hadron Form factors in space-like and time-like regions Talk (TA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 09Jul2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-004.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-004 Production of a thin diamond target by laser for HESR at FAIR Paper (PA) Francesca Balestra 07Jul2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-004.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-005 The antiproton interaction with an internal 12C target inside the HESR ring at FAIR Paper (PA) Riccardo Introzzi 07Jul2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-005.pdf
TA-CON-2014-003 Towards the integration of the Micro vertex Detector in the PANDA experiment Talk (TA) Daniela Calvo on behalf of the MVD group 27Jun2014 PDF icon TA-CON-2014-003.pdf, PDF icon TA-CON-2014-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-003 Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip Sensors and their First Operation in a Proton Beam Paper (PA) Dariusch Deermann, Tobias Stockmanns, James Ritman 27Jun2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-003.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-001 The Detector Control of the PANDA Experiment Paper (PA) Florian Feldbauer 30May2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-001.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-020 Status of the PANDA Barrel DIRC Paper (PA) Jochen Schwiening for the PANDA Cherenkov Group 28May2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-020.pdf
AN-QCD-2014-002 Recipe to construct the amplitude for 2-particle decays in tensor formalism,v2 Release Note (RN) Helmut Koch 22May2014 PDF icon AN-QCD-2014-002.pdf
AN-QCD-2014-003 Differential cross section for antiproton proton -> omega pi0 in tensor formalism,v2 Release Note (RN) Helmut Koch 22May2014 PDF icon AN-QCD-2014-003.pdf
TA-CON-2014-002 Antiprotons physics with PANDA at FAIR Talk (TA) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson 22May2014
AN-QCD-2014-001 Amplitudes in Helicity Formalism and Polarization Effects,v2 Release Note (RN) Helmut Koch 09May2014 PDF icon AN-QCD-2014-001.pdf
PA-PRO-2014-022 Improved lifetime of microchannel-plate PMTs Paper (PA) A. Lehmann et al. (PANDA Cherenkov Group) 13Apr2014 PDF icon PA-PRO-2014-022.pdf
TH-PHD-2014-001 Evaluation of the PANDA Silicon Pixel Front-End Electronics and Investigation of the Lambdabar Lambda Final State Thesis (TH) Simone Esch 28Feb2014 PDF icon TH-PHD-2014-001.pdf
TA-CON-2014-001 PANDA Physics at FAIR Talk (TA) Paola Gianotti 27Feb2014 File TA-CON-2014-001.pptx
TH-PHD-2014-002 Triggerless hybrid pixel detector for the PANDA experiment and benchmark study of a psi(4040) decay Thesis (TH) Laura Zotti 10Jan2014 PDF icon TH-PHD-2014-002.pdf
Document ID Title Publication type Author Date File
PA-PRO-2013-002 Offline Software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector Paper (PA) Anastasia Karavdina for the PANDA Luminosity Detector group 12Dec2013 PDF icon PA-PRO-2013-002.pdf
